In a deeply disturbing incident, a 7-month-old baby girl was abducted and raped in Kolkata, leaving the city in shock. The child is now in critical condition and undergoing treatment in the ICU of a local hospital.
The horrifying crime came to light on November 30 when a resident of the Burtolla area noticed the infant sitting alone on a footpath outside his house, crying uncontrollably. He immediately informed the Burtolla police station.
Upon arrival, police found the infant in a distressed and injured state. A medical examination later confirmed that she had been sexually assaulted. The baby was rushed to the hospital, where doctors are working tirelessly to stabilize her condition.
Law enforcement authorities have launched an intensive investigation to find those responsible. CCTV footage from the vicinity is being analyzed, and local residents are being questioned for possible leads.
The incident has sparked widespread outrage, with demands for strict punishment for the perpetrator(s) and improved child protection measures. Activists and concerned citizens have called for urgent action to ensure justice and prevent such heinous crimes in the future.